Pet Health Certificate
If you’re planning to travel outside of the US, please contact our office as soon as you’re able to schedule a health exam. For most places, rabies vaccinations must be given at least 30 days before your trip. Please keep in mind that vaccinations administered more than 12 months ago will not be valid for this trip. International health certificates can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to process, so we recommend scheduling your appointment with us early to avoid snags in your plans. The health certificate will only be valid for 30 days once issued, so you’ll need to time the appointment carefully with us in case travel plans change. Once we issue a pet health certificate for international travel, you’ll need to make an appointment with the USDA office to have them sign the certificate as well.
When you take your furry friends overseas, it’s important to remember that each pet you travel with requires their own health certificate. Only USDA-approved veterinarians can provide you with an international travel certificate. At Miami Pet Clinic, Dr. Piedra is a certified USDA-approved veterinarian. She is happy to provide you with the resources you need for any trip outside of the country.
When you take your furry friends overseas, it’s important to remember that each pet you travel with requires their own health certificate. Only USDA-approved veterinarians can provide you with an international travel certificate. At Miami Pet Clinic, Dr. Piedra is a certified USDA-approved veterinarian. She is happy to provide you with the resources you need for any trip outside of the country.